. Can. J. Chem. 59,2591Chem. 59, (1981. Principal factor analysis has been applied to Raman spectra of 26 sulfuric acidlwater mixtures covering the 0-100% H2S04 concentration range. The analysis greatly facilitates the identification of peaks due to different species. The results show that ions and "free" HS0,-ions do not co-exist with undissociated H2S04 molecules in solution and that two water molecules rather than one are required for the first ionization of H2S04. A species with the composition H2SO4.2H2O, assigned a hydrated ion pair structure, reaches maximum concentration at the same medium composition at which free HS0,-, and H2S04 are at concentration minima, about 75% wlw. The only species apparent in the more concentrated solutions are the ion pair and undissociated H2S04, which could be taken to mean that H2S04 is a weaker acid than H30+, but a stronger one than H30+.H20 (or H502+, if this entity has a real existence). Separate peaks due to the postulated H30+.H2S04 (or H5S05+) were not observed. On a applique l'analyse du facteur principal aux spectres Raman de 26 melanges d'acide sulfurique/eau ayant des concentrations en acide sulfurique allant de 0 a 100%. L'analyse facilite grandement I'identification des pics des differentes espbces. Les resultats indiquent que les ions et lesions "libres" HS04-ne coexistent pas avec les molCcules de H2S04 non dissociees en solution et que deux molecules d'eau plut6t qu'une sont necessaires lors de la premiere ionisation du H2S04. Une espece ayant la composition H2S04.2H20 a laquelle on attribue une structure de paire d'ions, atteint la concentration maximum pour la mCme composition moyenne ou HS0,-libre et H2S04 sont une concentration minimum, environ 75% wlw. Dans des solutions plus concentrkes les seules especes apparentes sont la paire d'ions et le H2S04 non dissocie, qui peuvent signifier que H2S04 est un acide plus faible que H30+, mais plus fort que H,0+.H20 (ou H502+ si cette entite existe reellement). On n'a pas observe de pics separ6s provenant du H30+.H2S04 (ou H5S05+) propose.