Abstract. The goal of this paper was to determine necessary dynamical conditions for the object tracking task. Developing these conditions required examining dynamical relationships between the UAV, camera head, disturbances and tracked object. This analysis was conducted in order to assess whether a given UAV-camera head set was suitable for a given object tracking task. The study assumed that the UAV was equipped with a flight trajectory control system. We discussed the methods of the dynamical properties description and finding a range of application for a particular set "UAV-camera head". For each dynamical element of the examined system, we proposed a method of computing the parameters of the simulation model which corresponded to the behaviour of the real elements. In order to describe the range of the applications for the UAV-camera head set, we defined the space Ω -all combinations of the parameters which characterized the dynamics of the disturbance and object. Moreover, this study developed the method of selecting the subspace Ω s which described acceptable parameters of the object՚s and disturbance՚s dynamics. This paper presented the example of proper object tracking in the case of meeting the dynamical conditions and the example of losing the object in the opposite case.Key words: unmanned aerial vehicles, object tracking, control system, dynamical model. On the one hand, the constantly growing use of applications results in greater and diverse requirements for a camera equipped UAV. On the other hand, the greater development of technical abilities of UAVs, camera heads and cameras increases the possibility of choosing the UAV-camera head set which is better suited for a given task, e.g. tracking, supervision or supporting other civil or military activities.
Analysis of dynamical propertiesTherefore, it is of utmost importance to establish the criteria and methods of the equipment selection for the tasks which are to be done. The criteria may take into consideration various requirements such as: the flying range of the UAV, the ability to work not being noticed by a tracked object or to work in difficult atmospherical conditions, the cost of operation, the ability to store the data collected during the flight or other criteria.We will focus on adjusting the possessed equipment to a task which must be carried out. The only criteria which we are going to take into account, are dynamical properties.Hence the goal of the paper will be to determine the dynamical properties of the task (the dynamics of disturbance and a tracked object) which may be correctly carried out by a given UAV-camera head set. This goal will be achieved in two steps. Firstly, we will present the method which will allow to model dynamical properties of a UAV, camera head, disturbances and a tracked object in the scope indispensable for a given task. Secondly, we will put forward the method of describing the dynamical properties of the tracking task on account of the dynamical properties of the tracked object and disturbance.