A detailed study of the disintegration scheme of Pr1'l4 has been carried out using lens spectrometers, scintillation spectrometers, and .fast coincidence techniques. The 2293 kev 8-component (1.3%) studied in coincidence with ?. 891 has a predominantly first forbidden unique shape and the p-?. directional correlation is strongly anisotropic. The results indicate a probable spin-sequence 0-(8) 2f (,)Of, but the accuracy is not sufficient to exclude completely a 1-assignment for the Pr114 ground state. The 8 803 component (1.0%) observed in coincidence with y 2181 has a n allowed shape and the 8-y directional correlation is isotropic. The shape of the total 8-spectrum was studied in a double lens spectronneter having good anti-scattering properties using sources of Cel",' oxide sublimed onto 200 pg/cln2 Al leaf. Subtraction of a uniq~le (Bi,) shape 2293 kev 1.3% component and an allowedshape 803 lcev l.OyG component yields the ground state 8-spectrum. Analyses were made using the electronic f~unctions of Zerianova which assume uniform charge distribution with p = 1.2 A 1 I 3 10-Is CIU as well as the point charge functions of Rose with P = 1.41 A''VO-l"cm. The observed spectrum shape can be explained on 0-to Of selection rules only by the axial vector interaction. Limits on the permissible tensor or pseudoscalar admixtures with the axial vector are discussed. No acceptable fit is possible with tensor, pseudoscalar, or any TP admixture (interfering or not) sing Rose and Osborn's pseudoscalar formalism.=Manuscript