(ASSAf) gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and organisations for their valuable contributions and collaborative efforts that have led to the successful production of this report: Professor Daya Reddy, the President of ASSAf and the Council for their support throughout the project. The Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) for collaborating in the undertaking of this study. The Rockefeller Foundation and the African Science Academy Development Initiative, a programme of the US National Academy of Sciences that was established in 2004 with a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The members of the consensus study panel for their time, commitment, enthusiasm and contributions to the report. The peer reviewers who gave valuable input that led to the enhancement of the fi nal report. Professor Harry Dugmore for his relentless hard work in researching, handling and incorporating all comments and authoring the report. The copy editor, Ms Patricia Scholtz and Seriti Printing for attention to detail and production of the report. The staff of the Academy, in particular, Professor Roseanne Diab, Ms Phyllis Kalele and Ms Henriette Wagener for their contributions and support throughout the project.