Warts are benign intra-epidermal neoplasms that occur in the mucosa and skin, are caused by infection with human papillomavirus and commonly affect children and adolescents. The prevalence is very common worldwide, approximately 10% of the whole population. Though benign, lesions can be extensive and painful, sometimes they can bleed too. Sometimes, spontaneous resolution can occur, but the chance of cosmetic disfiguration is not too less. The treatment can be very challenging because the side effects of recurrent cryotherapy, laser application, immunotherapy are devastating and prolonged. This case series shows five cases of warts, which were treated and recovered with individualized Homeopathic treatment without recurrence and further complication. Clinical improvement as well as the overall wellbeing directs towards the success of applying single constitutional Homeopathic medicines to the individual. The evidence of recovery with Homeopathic medicines in the cases of warts as well as other difficult to treat cases indicates to the revolution of the future medical science.