DOI: 10.3390/buildings11030087
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The Public Role for the Effectiveness of the Territorial Enhancement Initiatives: A Case Study on the Redevelopment of a Building in Disuse in an Italian Small Town

Abstract: The present research is focalized on public-private partnership (PPP) procedures as a driving force of urban sustainable development. The paper intends to point out the relevant role played by the public administrations in the implementation of these mechanisms aimed at degraded urban area renovation, public property assets enhancement, or ex novo realization. In this sense, in the existing reference literature, the private investor tasks and risks have been often explored, neglecting the significant public en… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 63 publications
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“…-and of their interests, the scarcity of available financial resources and the different financing sources. From this perspective, each urban transformation initiative requires the definition and the management of several variables which, in different ways, concern the stakeholders involved and affect the overall investment feasibility [28,30]. In the context of the territorial projects to be implemented, in general, and of the investments financed by the NRRP, assessment tools as the CBA aim to identify the one/s that are suitable of guaranteeing the economic and the financial convenience of the parties, in accordance with the urban and the natural environment identity.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…-and of their interests, the scarcity of available financial resources and the different financing sources. From this perspective, each urban transformation initiative requires the definition and the management of several variables which, in different ways, concern the stakeholders involved and affect the overall investment feasibility [28,30]. In the context of the territorial projects to be implemented, in general, and of the investments financed by the NRRP, assessment tools as the CBA aim to identify the one/s that are suitable of guaranteeing the economic and the financial convenience of the parties, in accordance with the urban and the natural environment identity.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The sector of construction and real estate in general has taken on a central role with regard to the theme of environmental sustainability, declined from different points of view, such as the need to limit land consumption through incentive mechanisms [13,14], the green enhancement of existing buildings [15][16][17] and/or parts of cities to be redeveloped [18]. Over the years, environmental sustainability has evolved to include social, financial and economic aspects [19][20][21].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In conclusion, the real estate market seems to have been quite resilient with respect to the impact generated by the pandemic outbreak, as several studies, despite having found a negative impact in the short-term, found that, instead, in the medium and long terms, the real estate market has mostly reacted more to the changes imposed by the crisis by starting a general recovery [146][147][148][149][150]. In fact, the changed needs expressed by the communities have been transposed into real estate dynamics through the definition of "new normal" models that have redefined the way in which residential, commercial, and office properties are able to meet the new modalities of living in cities, including the suburban areas.…”
confidence: 99%