This paper addresses the role of open data in the development of civic technologies in Spain. We have analysed organisations that are using technology as a tool to improve transparency, democracy and citizen participation in public matters. During this research we run through the evolution of the use of technologies by civil society in Spain, we define the concept of civic technologies and propose a set of typologies, paying special attention to the source of data, with the final aim of knowing how often public open data has been used. We conclude by highlighting the need to increase the communication between public and private institutions and the organisations that use data in favour of providing useful information and making easier the development of civic technologies.
Introduction. Crisis, network culture and new "democratic demands".The aim of this investigation is to analyse the role of open data in the development of civic technologies in Spain. The study exposes among other issues the number of civic technologies that are currently working in Spain presented by year of release (between 2009 and 2015). We have considered the websites and applications that continue online, the kind of public institution that support them (local, regional or national), the source of data that has been used to create the applications and whether they use open source and free licenses.The coincidence of a period of crisis (since 2008), development of a network culture and outbreak of the social protest (born in 2011) followed by a period of democratic regeneration (leaded by the irruption of new political parties which main claim is the need of accountability) has triggered the creation of technological projects in Spain which aim to increase and improve transparency, democracy and citizen participation in public matters.The 15M movement (Lozano and Serra, 2011) 1 for example was, among many other things, a project hatcher that fostered the creation of solutions for problems that the civil society had with internal communication and participation in decision making. From that moment, many initiatives have been launched that improve internal communication but also build bridges for participation and collaboration with public institutions. Some of the new political parties that have emerged in Spain in the last years are using those tools to integrate citizens in their internal decision making processes. A good example is "Plaza podemos", a space for political participation 1 15M is a new social movement that was born after a demonstration that took place on 15th May 2011, in which technology had a main role before and after organising it. People started debating physically and virtually about many issues in squares and public spaces throughout the country. 062 Raúl Magallón-Rosa et al