Lodging is one of the most important factors affecting the high and stable yield of wheat worldwide. Solid-stemmed wheat has higher stem strength and lodging resistance than hollow-stemmed wheat does. There are many solid-stemmed varieties, landraces, and old varieties of durum wheat. However, the transfer of solid stem genes from durum wheat is suppressed by a suppressor gene located on chromosome 3D in common wheat, and only hollow-stemmed lines have been created. However, synthetic hexaploid wheat can serve as a bridge for transferring solid stem genes from tetraploid wheat to common wheat. In this study, the F1, F2, and F2:3 generations of a cross between solid-stemmed Syn-SAU-119 and semisolid-stemmed Syn-SAU-117 were developed. A single dominant gene, which was tentatively designated Su-TdDof and suppresses stem solidity, was identified in synthetic hexaploid wheat Syn-SAU-117 by using genetic analysis. By using bulked segregant RNA-seq (BSR-seq) analysis, Su-TdDof was mapped to chromosome 7DS and flanked by markers KASP-669 and KASP-1055 within a 4.53 cM genetic interval corresponding to 3.86 Mb and 2.29 Mb physical regions in the Chinese Spring (IWGSC RefSeq v1.1) and Ae. tauschii (AL8/78 v4.0) genomes, respectively, in which three genes related to solid stem development were annotated. Su-TdDof differed from a previously reported solid stem suppressor gene based on its origin and position. Su-TdDof would provide a valuable example for research on the suppression phenomenon. The flanking markers developed in this study might be useful for screening Ae. tauschii accessions with no suppressor gene (Su-TdDof) to develop more synthetic hexaploid wheat lines for the breeding of lodging resistance in wheat and further cloning the suppressor gene Su-TdDof.