Let K be the fraction field of a two-dimensional henselian, excellent, equicharacteristic local domain. We prove a local-global principle for Galois cohomology with certain finite coefficients over K. We use classical machinery frométale cohomology theory, drawing upon an idea in Saito's work on two-dimensional local class field theory. This approach works equally well over the function field of a curve over an equi-characteristic henselian discrete valuation field, thereby giving a different proof of (a slightly generalized version of) a recent result of Harbater, Hartmann and Krashen. We also present two applications. One is the Hasse principle for torsors under quasi-split semisimple simply connected groups without E 8 factor. The other gives an explicit upper bound for the Pythagoras number of a Laurent series field in three variables. This bound is sharper than earlier estimates.