The results of experimental and computer simulation studies of the yields of residual product nuclei in 209 Bi thin targets irradiated by 130 MeV and 1.5 GeV protons are presented. The yields were measured by direct high-precision γ-spectrometry. The γ-spectrometer resolution was 1.8 keV in the 1332 keV line. The γ-spectra were processed by the ASPRO code. The γ-lines were identified, and the cross sections defined, by the SIGMA code using the GDISP radioactive database. The process was monitored by the 27 Al(p,x) 24 Na reaction. Results are presented for comparisons between the 209 Bi(p,x) reaction yields obtained experimentally and simulated by the HETC, GNASH, LAHET, INUCL, CEM95, CASCADE, and ALICE codes.