In [1], we demonstrated that structure function g1(xB, Q 2 ) measured in polarized deeply inelastic scattering (DIS) is dominated by the triangle anomaly in both Bjorken (Q 2 → 0) and Regge (xB → 0) asymptotics. In the worldline formulation of quantum field theory, the triangle anomaly arises from the imaginary part of the worldline effective action. We show explicitly how a Wess-Zumino-Witten term coupling the topological charge density to a primordial isosinglet η arises in this framework. We demonstrate the fundamental role played by this contribution both in topological mass generation of the η and in the cancellation of the off-forward pole arising from the triangle anomaly in the proton's helicity Σ(Q 2 ). We recover the striking result by Shore and Veneziano that Σ ∝ χ (0), where χ is the slope of the QCD topological susceptibility in the forward limit. We construct an axion-like effective action for g1 at small xB that describes the interplay between gluon saturation and the topology of the QCD vacuum. In particular, we outline the role of "over-thebarrier" sphaleron-like transitions in spin diffusion at small xB. Such topological transitions can be measured in polarized DIS at a future Electron-Ion Collider., with the ≈ sign denoting that a term needs to be added on the l.h.s corresponding to a linear combination of the isotriplet and isooctet axial vector charges of the proton. These contributions are weakly dependent on Q 2 and we will ignore them henceforth to focus on isosinglet contributions to g 1 (x B , Q 2 ).