Osteoporosis dental implantation bone remodeling osseointegration bisphosphonates vitamin D A B S T R A C T Aim: increase of efficiency of dental implantation in patients with imbalance of bone remodeling processes.Material and Methods: under observation were men with osteoporosis, who applied for restoration of defects of the dentition with dental implants. Correction of bone remodeling imbalance was performed with bisphosphonates, calcium and vitamin D preparations. Before dental implantation, the state of microarchitectonics of the lower jaw was studied using cone-beam computed tomography, histomorphometry, and the state of mineral metabolism in the blood.
Results and Conclusions: the success of osseointegration dental implantation in patients with boneremodeling imbalance is determined by the qualitative parameters of the bone tissue, of the receiving bed, reflecting metabolic and reparative processes. Complex antiosteoporetic therapy with bisphosphonates and calcium preparations with vitamin D helps to restore the qualitative parameters of the alveolar part and helps to optimize the processes of osteointegration.