Research Findings: This study investigated the prevalence of pedagogical questions posed by 27 early childhood educators as they interacted with infants in each of two different contexts: book-focused interactions and educator-mediated play. The pedagogical questions expressed by educators to infants during ten-minute naturally-occurring interactions were coded as confirm (yes/no), specify (what, who, where, when) or explain (why, how) questions on the basis that these types of questions present infants with different opportunities to use their developing communication skills to provide information to others. We then sought to determine associations between question use, activity context and educators' qualification levels. Results revealed that explain questions were used very rarely, while confirm and specify questions were more frequent, comprising 7.60% and 8.32% respectively of messages that were expressed by educators to the infants in their care. A 2 (activity context) x 2 (qualification level) mixed factorial MANOVA, supplemented with post-hoc qualitative analyses, demonstrated that, in specific activity contexts, degree qualified early childhood teachers used pedagogical questioning in ways which differed from their less-qualified counterparts. Practice or policy: The findings provide much needed data on how educator questioning is used with children under two, how questioning affords context-specific language learning opportunities for infants in ECEC centres, and how educator qualifications may be implicated in these opportunities.