The electronic education has, to a greater or lesser extent, being installed in the education systems and, as such, upgraded or completely replaced the traditional teaching in classrooms. The most common form of e-education found in the world is a hybrid form, where classical and e-education are combined and complemented. At the end of 2019, the COVID-19 hit China, while in early 2020, it spread to the entire world causing a dangerous pandemic. In March and April 2020, COVID-19 halted the delivery of classical education all over the world and forced educational institutions to search for new opportunities in acquisition and validation of adopted knowledge. Everyone expects this to be a major educational transformation that will greatly change relationships between students, educational institutions, and states. In this paper, we analyze the chances of e-learning in the context of a pandemic, and among other things, we uncover the shortcomings and weaknesses of this type of education, which were particularly prominent in practical teaching and classes, and the final assessment.