VOLUME 2 7, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 1955 1829 the end point. The addition of standard perchloric acid to the solvent corrects the small negative blank.
REAGENTSPerchloric acid, 0.05 '. Dissolve ca. 4.2 ml. of 72% perchloric acid in 1 liter of dioxane and standardize against potassium acid phthalate according to the method of Seaman and Allen (7).Mercuric acetate solution. Dissolve ca. 6 grams of mercuric acetate in 100 ml. of hot glacial acetic acid (5).Nitromethane, c.p. Fisher Scientific Co. Formic acid, 98%, Fisher Scientific Co. 1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine, O.LY. Dissolve 24 grams of reagent in 100 ml. of methanol and 900 ml. of methylchloroform. Standardize potentiometrically against 20-ml. portions of standard O.LY aqueous hydrochloric acid or 40 ml. of the 0.05.V perchloric acid in dioxane. Methanol is used as sample solvent.Dimethylformamide, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.PROCEDURE Sample weights are based on an expected base content of the polymer of 5%.Determination of Total Base. Accurately weigh 0.3 to 0.5 gram of the polymer into a tared 150-ml. beaker and stir with 20 ml. of nitromethane until the material is well dispersed. Add 2 ml. of 98% formic acid, and heat until the suspension dissolves completely. Dilute with 50 ml. of cold nitromethane and allow the solution to come to room temperature. If the amine or quaternary salts present contain halide ion, add 2 ml. of 6% mercuric acetate solution.Introduce the glass and calomel electrodes into solution, set the pH meter to + mv., and titrate the solution potentiometrically with standard 0.05.Y perchloric acid. A microburet should be used.The end point of the titration is the maximum value of {AE/AV). Appropriate plots may be made.A blank must also be titrated and the titer of the sample corrected for the solvent titration.Determination of Heterocyclic Amine Salt. Dissolve a weighed 0.5-gram sample of polymer in 70 ml. of dimethylformamide. Using a glass and calomel electrode combination titrate the solution potentiometrically with the standardized solution of 1,3-di-o-tolylguanidine. The end point is determined by the maximum value of {AE/aV).The negative solvent blank is determined by titrating 70 ml.of dimethylformamide with standard perchloric acid and adding this correction to the sample titer.