Density Functional Resonance Theory (DFRT) is a complex-scaled version of ground-state Density Functional Theory (DFT) that allows one to calculate the resonance energies and lifetimes of metastable anions. In this formalism, the exact energy and lifetime of the lowest-energy resonance of unbound systems is encoded into a complex "density" that can be obtained via complex-coordinate scaling. This complex density is used as the primary variable in a DFRT calculation just as the ground-state density would be used as the primary variable in DFT. As in DFT, there exists a mapping of the N -electron interacting system to a Kohn-Sham system of N non-interacting particles in DFRT. This mapping facilitates self consistent calculations with an initial guess for the complex density, as illustrated with an exactly-solvable model system. Whereas DFRT yields in principle the exact resonance energy and lifetime of the interacting system, we find that neglecting the complex-correlation contribution leads to errors of similar magnitude to those of standard scattering close-coupling calculations under the bound-state approximation.Density Functional Theory (DFT) [1][2][3] provides one of the most accurate and reliable methods to calculate the ground-state electronic properties of molecules, clusters, and materials from first principles. It is one of the workhorses of computational quantum chemistry [4]. In addition, DFT's time-dependent extension (TDDFT) [5] can now be applied to a wealth of excited-state and time-dependent properties in both linear and non-linear regimes [6]. When the N -electron system of interest has no bound ground state, however, neither DFT nor TDDFT can be applied in a straightforward way. A correct DFT calculation converges to the true ground state by ionizing the system, thus leaving no reliable starting point for a subsequent TDDFT calculation on the Nelectron system. In practice, a finite simulation box or basis set can make the system artificially bound [7,8], but information about the relevant lifetimes is lost in the process.We address here this fundamental limitation of groundstate DFT, and propose a solution.Consider a system of N interacting electrons in an external potentialṽ(r), with ground-state densityñ(r). The potential is set to be everywhere positive and go to a positive constant C as |r| → ∞. The ground-state energy isẼ > 0. We start by asking how the gound state density changes when a smooth step is added toṽ(r) at a radius |R| that is larger than the range ofṽ(r). The step is such that the new potential v(r) coincides with v(r) for |r| < |R| but goes to zero at infinity. Sinceṽ(r) is everywhere positive, all N electrons tunnel out and v(r) supports no bound states. The correct ground state energy is now E = 0, and the new density n(r) is delocalized through all space. In practical calculations, however, v(r) andṽ(r) cannot be distinguished if |R| is beyond the size of the simulation box. The result provided by ground-state DFT using the exact exchange-correlation functional is not E, b...