Abstract. There are well-known dark states in the even-qubit Dicke models, which are the products of the two-qubit singlets and a Fock state, where the qubits are decoupled from the photon field. These spin singlets can be used to store quantum correlations since they preserve entanglement even under dissipation, driving and dipole-dipole interactions. One of the features for these dark states is that their eigenenergies are independent of the qubitphoton coupling strength. We have obtained a novel kind of dark-like states for the multi-qubit and multi-photon Rabi models, whose eigenenergies are also constant in the whole coupling regime. Unlike the dark states, the qubits and photon field are coupled in the dark-like states. Furthermore, the photon numbers are bounded from above commonly at 1, which is different from that for the one-qubit case. The existence conditions of the dark-like states are simpler than exact isolated solutions, and may be fine tuned in experiments. While the single-qubit and multi-photon Rabi model is well-defined only if the photon number M ≤ 2 and the coupling strength is below a certain critical value, the dark-like eigenstates for multi-qubit and multiphoton Rabi model still exist, regardless of these constraints. In view of these properties of the dark-like states, they may find similar applications like "dark states" in quantum information.