Parabosonic algebra in finite or infinite degrees of freedom is considered as a Z 2 -graded associative algebra, and is shown to be a Z 2 -graded (or: super) Hopf algebra. The super-Hopf algebraic structure of the parabosonic algebra is established directly without appealing to its relation to the osp(1/2n) Lie superalgebraic structure. The notion of super-Hopf algebra is equivalently described as a Hopf algebra in the braided monoidal category CZ 2 M. The bosonisation technique for switching a Hopf algebra in the braided monoidal category H M (where H is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra) into an ordinary Hopf algebra is reviewed. In this paper we prove that for the parabosonic algebra P B , beyond the application of the bosonisation technique to the original super-Hopf algebra, a bosonisation-like construction is also achieved using two operators, related to the parabosonic total number operator. Both techniques switch the same super-Hopf algebra P B to an ordinary Hopf algebra, producing thus two different variants of P B , with ordinary Hopf structure.