A more comprehensive study than those previously reported in the literature was carried out on the electrochemical reduction of 10,10'-dimethyl-9,9'-baicridinium ion (lucigenin) in aqueous solutions. Lucigenin (L') exhibits one, two, or three irreversible voltammetric reduction peaks, depending on its concentration and the scan rate. The first peak is due to the reduction of the first monolayer of molecules adsorbed on the electrode. This process involves two simultaneous one-electron transfers that yield a molecule (P), also immobilized at the electrode, which undergoes a conformational change to the form F'. In addition, the reagent molecules that reach the electrode by diffusion and the product (P) comproportionate to yield the intermediate radical R. New reactant molecules can displace the product because the monolayer is reversibly adsorbed. The transfer coefficient of the process and the activation energy of the conformational change were determined. The second peak is due to the reduction of a second monolayer of adsorbed lucigenin molecules. This takes place via the first monolayer of product molecules adsorbed on the electrode. Finally, the third peak arises from reduction of lucigenin molecules adsorbed on the previous monolayers. The overvoltage required to reduce lucigenin increases with increasing number of monolayers formed. The formation of new insoluble monolayers blocks the faradaic process altogether in the second scan at more positive potentials than those for the second or third peak. Infroduction 10,10'-Dimethyl-9-9'-biacridinium ion (L'), known as lucigenin and a member of the bipyridine family, has the structure CH3 + N Cl!3 Scheme L where the two tricyclic rings lie at an angle of 90°. There are several papers in the chemical literature dealing with the electrochemical reduction of lucigenin at various types of electrodes.'' However, the most significant contribution to knowledge on the electrochemical reduction of lucigenin in organic media was reported by Ahlberg et at.,' who used a Pt electrode and obtained a two-electron diffusion-controlled voltammetric peak at ca. -300 mV [vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE)]. Both one-electron transfers take place simultaneously on species L' to yield reduction product P e e L2 P [1]The configuration of intermediate radical R, like that of species L', is such that the two tricyclic rings lie at an angle of 90°. However, the formation of a double bond between these groups in P pushes the molecule to a completely planar configuration, which is impossible owing to steric hindrance between the protons bonded to both rings. The most stable angle in this situation is ca. 45°.Ahlberg et at. found species P to undergo a conformational change to form F' (l0,10'-dimethyl-9,9'-biacridylene) (see Scheme II in Ref. 7), which has a more stable folded structure. The change also implies an alteration of the relative positions of the protons bonded to carbons 1 and 8, * Electrochemical Society Active Member. as well as carbons 1' and 8' in the tricyclic rings. In ...