How animals manage to effectively move around in complex arboreal environments is intriguing. Not only may perch density and inter-perch distance vary dramatically, but when moving about on, or in between trees, animals will come across a wide range of substrates differing in inclination, texture and diameter. Since different structural elements within the arboreal habitat pose different functional demands on the locomotor system, arboreal habitats are typically regarded as complex environments that are difficult to exploit. A wide diversity of organisms, however, seems capable of doing so, and examples of arboreal species exist for most tetrapod taxa (e.g. amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), many of which show distinct morphological and/or behavioural specializations to an arboreal lifestyle, such as the prehensile tail in monkeys (Lemelin, 1995), toe pads in frogs (Hanna and Barnes, 1991) and geckos (e.g. Autumn and Peattie, 2002), or the walking gait and prehensile feet in chameleons (Peterson, 1984) and didelphids (e.g. Lemelin et al., 2003).However, despite these specializations, locomotor performance will not be optimized on all substrates simultaneously. For instance, differences in inclination (e.g. Huey and Hertz, 1982;Huey and Hertz, 1984;Vilensky et al., 1994;Farley, 1997;Irschick and Jayne, 1998;Vanhooydonck and Van Damme, 2001), substrate width (e.g. Losos and Sinervo, 1989;Sinervo and Losos, 1991;Losos et al., 1993;Losos and Irschick, 1996;Bonser, 1999;Dunbar and Badam, 2000;Schmitt, 2003;Stevens, 2003;Lammers and Biknevicius, 2004;Demes et al., 2006) and texture (e.g. Zani, 2000;Claussen et al., 2002;Dai et al., 2002;Kerdok et al., 2002;Vanhooydonck et al., 2005) have all been shown to affect locomotor performance traits in a wide range of organisms. Even more so, some structural elements are known to mediate performance trade-offs. Substrate size, for instance, plays a mediating role in the trade-off between stability and speed. Whereas on broad surfaces (e.g. on the ground) high sprint speed can be attained without detrimentally affecting stability, on narrow surfaces (e.g. branches) high stability leads to decreased sprint performance (Peterson, 1984;Cartmill, 1985;Losos and Sinervo, 1989; Sinervo and Losos, 1991; Losos etWe investigated how substrate diameter affects acceleration performance in three Anolis lizard species (A. sagrei, A. carolinensis and A. valencienni), representing three different ecomorphs (trunk-ground, trunk-crown, and twig, respectively). We did so by measuring maximal acceleration capacity of the three species on a broad and narrow dowel. In addition to acceleration capacity, we quantified maximal sprint speed on both dowels. Both acceleration capacity and sprint speed are affected by substrate diameter, but the way in which they are, differs among species. Acceleration capacity in the trunk-ground anole, A. sagrei, was least affected by dowel diameter, whereas it was greatly reduced on the narrow dowel in the twig anole, A. valencienni. Sprint speed on the narrow dow...