We search for global rotation of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the galaxy cluster Abell 2107, where previous studies have detected rotational motion in the member galaxies with a high significance level. By fitting the centroid of the iron K α line complex at 6.7-6.9 keV rest frame in Chandra ACIS-I spectra, we identify the possible rotation axis with the line that maximizes the difference between the emission-weighted spectroscopic redshift measured in the two halves defined by the line itself. Then, we measure the emission-weighted redshift in linear regions parallel to the preferred rotation axis, and find a significant gradient as a function of the projected distance from the rotation axis, compatible with a rotation pattern with maximum tangential velocity v max = 1380 ± 600 km/s at a radius λ 0 ∼ 160 kpc. This result, if interpreted in the framework of hydrostatic equilibrium, as suggested by the regular morphology of Abell 2107, would imply a large mass correction of the order of ∆M = (6±4)×10 13 M at ∼ 160 kpc, which is incompatible with the cluster morphology itself. A more conservative interpretation may be provided by an unnoticed off-center, head-on collision between two comparable halos. Our analysis confirms the peculiar dynamical nature of the otherwise regular cluster Abell 2107, but is not able to resolve the rotation vs merger scenario, a science case that can be addressed by the next-generation X-ray facilities carrying X-ray bolometers onboard.