The TAM1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is expressed specifically during meiosis and encodes a protein that localizes to the ends of meiotic chromosomes. In a taml null mutant, there is an increase in the frequency of chromosomes that fail to recombine and an associated increase in homolog nondisjunction at meiosis I. The taml mutant also displays an increased frequency of precocious separation of sister chromatids and a reduced efficiency of distributive disjunction. The defect in distributive disjunction may be attributable to overloading of the distributive system by the increased number of nonrecombinant chromosomes. Recombination is not impaired in the taml mutant, but crossover interference is reduced substantially. In addition, chromosome synapsis is delayed in taml strains. The combination of a defect in synapsis and a reduction in interference is consistent with previous studies suggesting a role for the synaptonemal complex in regulating crossover distribution, taml is the only known yeast mutant in which the control of crossover distribution is impaired, but the frequency of crossing over is unaffected. We discuss here possibilities for how a telomere-associated protein might function in chromosome synapsis and crossover interference. During meiosis, a single round of DNA duplication is followed by two successive nuclear divisions to generate four haploid progeny from a single diploid cell. The meiosis II division resembles mitotic chromosome segregation , but the meiosis I division is unique in that homologous chromosomes disjoin from each other. A complex series of events unique to prophase of meiosis I ensures that homologs segregate reductionally at the first division. One important aspect of meiotic prophase is a high rate of recombination between homologous chromosomes. Crossing over establishes chiasmata, which are physical connections between homologous chromosomes that persist until metaphase. Chiasmata ensure the proper orientation of chromosomes on the meiosis I spindle and therefore promote reductional chromosome segregation (for review, see Carpenter 1994). The distribution of crossovers, and the chiasmata to which they give rise, is nonrandom in two respects. First, two cross-overs rarely occur closely together-a phenomenon known as crossover interference. Second, every chromosome pair (no matter how small) almost always sustains at least one crossover-referred to as obligate chiasma. A number of studies suggest that crossover interference and obligate chiasma are different manifestations of the 1Corresponding author. E-MAIL:; FAX (203) 432-3263. same underlying mechanism (Jones 1967; Kaback et al.