We study the dynamics of the group of isometries of Lp-spaces. In particular, we study the canonical actions of these groups on the space of δ-isometric embeddings of finite dimensional subspaces of Lp(0, 1) into itself, and we show that for p = 4, 6, 8, . . . they are ε-transitive provided that δ is small enough. We achieve this by extending the classical equimeasurability principle of Plotkin and Rudin. We define the central notion of a Fraïssé Banach space which underlies these results and of which the known separable examples are the spaces Lp(0, 1), p = 4, 6, 8, . . . and the Gurarij space. We also give a proof of the Ramsey property of the classes { n p }n, p = 2, ∞, viewing it as a multidimensional Borsuk-Ulam statement. We relate this to an arithmetic version of the Dual Ramsey Theorem of Graham and Rothschild as well as to the notion of a spreading vector of Matoušek and Rödl. Finally, we give a version of the Kechris-Pestov-Todorcevic correspondence that links the dynamics of the group of isometries of an approximately ultrahomogeneous space X with a Ramsey property of the collection of finite dimensional subspaces of X.