We present the results of spectroscopy of 71 objects with steep and ultra-steep spectra (α < −0.9, S ∝ ν α ) from the "Big Trio" (RATAN-600-VLA-BTA) project, performed with the "Scorpio" spectrograph on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russian Academy of Sciences). Redshifts were determined for these objects. We also present several other parameters of the sources, such as their Rmagnitudes, maximum radio sizes in seconds of arc, flux densities at 500, 1425, and 3940 MHz, radio luminosities at 500 and 3940 MHz, and morphology. Of the total number of radio galaxies studied, four have redshifts 1 < z < 2, three have 2 < z < 3, one has 3 < z < 4,and one has z = 4.51. Thirteen sources have redshifts 0.7 < z < 1 and 15 have 0.2 < z < 0.7. Of all the quasars studied, five have redshifts 0.7 < z < 1, seven have 1 < z < 2, four have 2 < z < 3, and one has z = 3.57. We did not detect any spectral lines for 17 objects.