The Lauritzen and Hoffman secondary nucleation theory was applied to linear growth rate data of syndiotactic polypropylene taken from the literature. Observation of the distinctive upward change of slope in plots of log G ϩ U ء /2.303R(T c Ϫ T ∞ ) versus 1/2.303T c (DT)f suggested the regime II 3 III transition at the crystallization temperature of 110ЊC. Based on the input parameters judged to be the most accurate, the ratios of K g,III /K g,II were found to range from 1.7 to 2.2. Regardless of the crystal structure, if the growth is assumed to occur on the bc plane, the lateral surface free energy, s 11.3 erg cm Ϫ2 and the fold surface free energy s e 63.7^7.1 erg cm Ϫ2 were found. The latter leads to the average work of chain folding of q 7:4^0:8 kcal mol Ϫ1 . If the growth is assumed to occur on the ac plane, the fold surface free energy is found to be s e 82.4^9.1 erg cm Ϫ2 , while the lateral surface free energy is the same as previously noted. In this case, the work of chain folding of q 9:6^1:1 kcal mol Ϫ1 is found. These values are applicable to both regimes II and III. A detailed evaluation of the effects of changes in input parameters was also carried out. ᭧