Asymmetric catalyst discovery as currently practiced often relies on expensive, and sometimes serendipitous, stepwise optimization and/or library screening.[1] We believe that this paradigm is poised to change, as computational predictive methods have reached a level of accuracy that obviates many steps now done manually. We report herein the early version of a new program, ACE (asymmetric catalyst evaluation), its underlying concepts, and the assessment of its applicability and accuracy in distinguishing efficient asymmetric catalysts or chiral auxiliaries from inferior ones.Although much effort has been directed toward the development of computer-aided drug design tools, there has been little investigation into computational tools for asymmetric catalyst design. Nowadays, the fields of quantum mechanics (QM) and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) [2] are highly developed and have yielded accurate predictions of asymmetric reaction stereoselectivities. [3][4][5][6] However, QM methods would require months of computation to screen a library of potential catalysts in the search for new ones. To address this issue, other methods were developed, which include reverse docking [7,8] and quantitative structure-selectivity relationships [9][10][11] and more specifically the use of quantum mechanics interaction fields. [12,13] As another alternative to QM techniques, molecular mechanics applied to ground-state structures have been used. [14] Advanced MM-based transition-state (TS) techniques, which accurately predict TS structures and their relative potential energies, have also been reported.[15] Although these methods (e.g., Q2MM (QM-guided MM), [16] using TSFF (transition-state force fields), [17] SEAM (seam of two potential-energy functions), [18,19] EVB (empirical valence bond), [20,21] and MCMM (multiconfiguration MM) [22] ) have shown great potential in locating and investigating TSs, only a very few studies were reported that attempted to predict the stereochemical outcome of reactions, [7,8,14,[23][24][25][26][27][28] with even fewer applications to the design of new asymmetric catalysts. [13,29,30] In fact, one major shortcoming of force fields is the lack of accurate parameters for metal complexes, which are necessary to model metal-catalyzed reactions and need to be specifically developed. [31] ACE is a molecular-mechanics-based independent program that has been developed from simple organic chemistry principles. For example, the Hammond-Leffler postulate states that the TS is most similar to the species (reactants or products) which it is closest to in energy. Following this principle, ACE constructs TSs from a linear combination of reactants and products, including a factor l describing the position of the TS on the potential-energy surface [Eq. (1),A similar approach is used to locate transition states by the EVB method mentioned above, in which l is changed stepwise from 0 to 1 to find the maximum energy corresponding to the TS. EVB has indeed been used successfully in the study of several enzy...