A Networked Music Performance (NMP) is defined as what happens when geographically displaced musicians interact together while connected via network. The first NMP experiments begun in the 1970s, however, only recently the development of network communication technologies has created the necessary infrastructure needed to successfully create an NMP. Moreover, the widespread adoption of network-based interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a renewed interest towards distant music-based interaction. In this chapter we present the Intelligent networked Music PERforMANce experiENCEs (IMPERMANENCE) as a comprehensive NMP framework that aims at creating a compelling performance experience for the musicians. In order to do this, we first develop the neTworkEd Music PErfoRmANCe rEsearch (TEMPERANCE) framework in order to understand which are the main needs of the participants in a NMP. Informed by these results we then develop IMPERMANENCE accordingly.