Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is covalently modified by NAD in the presence of nitric oxide (NO) and dithiothreitol. Replacement of NAD with NADH in the presence of SIN-1 (3-morpholinosydnonimine) and dithiothreitol increased modification 25-fold. We now demonstrate that in contrast to NO-mediated attachment of NAD, covalent attachment of NADH to GAPDH proceeds in the presence of low molecular weight thiols, independent of NO. Removal of oxygen and transition metal ions inhibited modification, consistent with a role for reactive oxygen species; inhibition by superoxide dismutase, stimulation by xanthine oxidase/hypoxanthine, and the lack of an effect of catalase supported the hypothesis that superoxide, generated from thiol oxidation, was involved. Electrospray mass spectrometry showed covalent linkage of the NADH molecule to GAPDH. Characterization of the product of phosphodiesterase cleavage demonstrated that linkage to GAPDH occurred through the nicotinamide of NADH. Lys-C digestion of GAPDH, followed by peptide isolation by high performance liquid chromatography, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight analysis, and Edman sequencing, demonstrated that NADH attachment occurred at Cys-149, the active-site thiol. This thiol linkage was stable to HgCl 2 . Thus, linkage of GAPDH to NADH, in contrast to NAD, occurs in the presence of thiol, is independent of NO, and is mediated by superoxide.Superoxide and nitric oxide (NO) are important free radical mediators of host immunity, either through their direct actions or as precursors of other reactive species (1). Nitric oxide is generated from L-arginine by NO synthases (2), and activated phagocytic cells (i.e. macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils) produce superoxide through single-electron reduction of molecular oxygen (3). The latter process, catalyzed by NADPH oxidase, is pivotal to the production of other superoxide-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS), 1 i.e. hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, and peroxynitrite. Its importance in immunity is best exemplified by chronic granulomatous disease, a condition in which defects in the NADPH oxidase complex result in predisposition to bacterial and fungal infections (4). In addition to enzymatic synthesis, superoxide may be generated from oxidation of reduced flavins, catecholamines, tetrahydrofolates (3), and low molecular weight thiols, e.g. dithiothreitol (DTT), cysteine, or glutathione (5).Thiols may either stimulate (6) or inhibit (7, 8) NO-dependent reactions. Stimulatory actions are mostly attributed to their ability to transfer NO via transnitrosation reactions (6, 9), whereas inhibitory actions may result from thiol-mediated superoxide generation (7,8). Superoxide reacts rapidly with NO to form peroxynitrite (ONOO Ϫ ) (1, 3, 10, 11), which is rapidly degraded at physiological pH (1, 11). In smooth muscle relaxation and neurotransmission, NO, serving as a signaling molecule, reacts with the heme group of guanylate cyclase and activates that ...