The phosphines PPh,,(CH,CH,CH=CH,)3-n, n = 2-0, PPh,,(CH,CH2CH2CH=CH2),-,,, n = 1 or 2, and PPh,CH,CH=CH, have been synthesized and studied by ' H and ,'P magnetic resonance. The n.m.r. spectra of PPh,(OCH,CH=CH2), its oxide, O=PPh,(OCH,-CH=CH,), and its Arbuzov rearrangement product, 0=PPh2(CH2CH=CH2), have been investigated by ,'P decoupling of the proton spectrum, selective proton decoupling of the ,'P spectrum, and comparison with computer-simulated spectra to determine the spin-spin coupling constants. The n.m.r. spectra of the related oxides O=PPh,CH,CH,CH=CH,, O=P-(CHZCH2CH=CH2),, and O=P(OCH,CH=CH,), are also assigned. The data indicate that ,JPH > ,JpH for alkenylphosphines, 2Jp,, is larger for phosphine oxides than for phosphines, and ,Jell is little changed in comparing phosphorus(II1) with phosphorus(V) compounds.On a synthktise les phosphines PPh,,(CH2CH2CH=CH2),-,,, ti = 2-0,