When the aldimine form of aspartate aminotransferase is allowed to react with P-chloro-DL-glutamate in a rapid mixing apparatus, fast optical density changes due to the coenzyme chromophore occur in the region from 300 to 450 nm. These fast optical density changes are followed by slower ones associated with the reappearance of the spectrum of the free enzyme as substrate is exhausted. The kinetics of the fast process can be accommodated in a simple scheme, reflecting the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex :The following values for the kinetic constants have been obtained: kl = 7 X lo2 M-' sec-' and k-' = 7.5 sec-The apparent equilibrium constant can be determined from the amplitude of the spectral change related to the fast process as a function of substrate concentration; the I t has been recently shown (Manning et al., 1968) that a substrate analog containing a strongly electronegative group in the P position, threo-P-chloroglutamate, undergoes, in the presence of catalytic amounts of aspartate aminotransferase,' a @-elimination reaction, with release of C1-, NHa+, and a-ketoglutarate. There is already quite strong evidence that this p-elimination reaction is specifically catalyzed by the aminotransferase itself, and not by some impurity (Manning et al., 1968).In the present study, the enzyme intermediates (ES) formed when threo-P-chloroglutamate reacts with soluble aspartate aminotransferase have been studied by rapid-mixing techniques. Events occurring immediately after mixing the aldimine form of the enzyme with the amino acid substrate were followed by measuring the changes in optical density occurring in the spectral region where the protein-bound coenzyme is known to absorb (300-500 nm).Quite apart from the specific interest of this study in the mechanism of action of pyridoxal dependent enzymes, the special (kinetic) features of the system allow one to study the kinetics of a reversible part of the enzyme-substrate interaction as distinct from the other steps involved in the overall reaction mechanism. Therefore the system offers the opporvalue thus obtained, M for P-chloro-DL-glutamate, agrees well with the ratio of the off and on rate constants. The standard thermodynamic parameters for the formation of the enzyme-substrate intermediate are: AGO = -3 kcal/ mole at 307'K, A H o = 2 kcal/mole, A S o = + 16 eu. The spectrum of the transient intermediate (ES) has been calcu-lated from the kinetic difference spectrum and that of the initial form of the enzyme; its specttal features combined with chemical considerations suggest that ES may be tentatively identified with a coenzyme-substrate Schiff base. No evidence was found for the formation of any intermediate absorbing around 500 nm. Consideration of the kinetic and spectrophotometric data suggests that the rate-limiting step is the removal of the a proton from the substrate. tunity for a detailed study of such reaction steps, information on which is still limited to a few enzyme systems.
Materials and MethodsSoluble aspartate aminotransferase was i...