Large-amplitude tunneling in vinyl radical over a C2v planar transition state involves CCH bending excitation coupled to all other internal coordinates, resulting in a significant dependence of barrier height and shape on vibrational degrees of freedom at the zero-point level. An ab initio potential surface for vinyl radical has been calculated at the CCSD(T) level (AVnZ; n=2, 3, 4, 5) for vibrationally adiabatic 1D motion along the planar CCH bending tunneling coordinate, extrapolated to the complete basis set (CBS) limit and corrected for anharmonic zero-point effects. The polyatomic reduced moment of inertia is calculated explicitly as a function of tunneling coordinate, with eigenvalues and tunneling splittings obtained from numerical solution of the resulting 1D Schrödinger equation. Linear scaling of the CBS potential to match predicted and observed tunneling splittings empirically yields an adiabatic barrier height of DeltaEadiab=1696(20) cm(-1) which, when corrected for zero-point energy contributions, translates into an effective barrier of DeltaEeff=1602(20) cm(-1) consistent with estimates (DeltaE=1580(100) cm(-1)) by Tanaka and coworkers [J. Chem. Phys., 2004, 120, 3604-3618]. These zero-point-corrected potential surfaces are used to predict tunneling dynamics in vibrationally excited states of vinyl radical, providing strong support for previous jet-cooled high-resolution infrared studies [Dong et al., J. Phys. Chem. A, 2006, 110, 3059-3070] in the symmetric CH2 stretch mode.