A method is described for studying both the surface and holllogeneous decay of N atoms in which the aton1 concentration reaching a reaction vessel after a period of decay is measured as a function of pressure by H C N production from ethylene or ethane under conditions of complete consumption of the atoms and complete initial dissociation of the nitrogen. The results indicated that the surface decay proceeded by a first-order mechanism between 55" C and 400" C, with the collision efficiency for an NaEHPOd surface essentially constant a t 2.75X10-&. The activation energy of surface decay was 1.0 kcal mole-' and the concentration of surface species 1.9X1014 cm-?. I t was concluded that the surface decay probably leads directly to molecules in the ground state.Depending on the temperature and whether or not NZ and N were considered equivalent as third bodies, the rate constant of the homogeneous decay varied from 1.09X10-33 to 13.2X10-33 cc2 molecule-2 sec-l. The honlogeneous decay therefore appears to have a positive temperature coefficient and to be of only secondary importance below about 2 mm pressure under the prevailing conditions. The similarity of one-half the rate constant of homogeneous decay a t 25' C (0.55 X to 0.97 X10W3) to the rate constant of afterglow emission obtained by Berkowitz et al. (2X10P3) suggests that all homogeneous decay gives rise to afterglow via the 52 state.Of the numerous studies on atom decay that have been published, perhaps the most conclusive have been those of Smith (I) and Linnett and Marsden (2, 3) on the surface decay of H and 0 atoms respectively. In both cases, atom conceiltrations in a side arm attached to a discharge t~i b e were measured with a thermocouple probe. Since complications due to flow were eliminated, the mathematical analysis of the results was fairly simple, and it was possible to show that first-order surface decay with a collision efficiency in the range to was the domillant mode of decay a t the pressures and temperatures used. The homogeneous decay of H atoms has also received considerable attelltion (e.g. 4).Studies on the decay of active nitrogen and therefore on the recombination of the N ( 5 ) atoms which are its major constituent (5, 6) have, on the other hand, generally been qualitative. In fact, the only rate constant for N atom decay that has apparently been published is that for the emission of afterglow in homogeneous decay (6), while, in the case of the surface decay, even the order itself has not been settled beyond question.The main facts lcnown about N atoms are thus the following. They decay in part on surfaces and in part homogeneously (7). The surface decay is nonluminous, i.e. the afterglow does not intensify in the neighborhood of surfaces (7), and probably first-order (7, 8,9). Part or all of the homogeneous decay is accompanied by the emissioil of yelloworange afterglow (7), the intensity of which is proportional to [active nitrogenI2 [inert gas] (10, 6). (The worlc cited did not determine whether the inert gas could inclu...