This quantitative study aimed to explore the students' perception on the instruction medium of Design and Technology (Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi - RBT) subject in lower secondary forms. This study determined the perceptions of students based on factors such as Students’ preferred medium of instruction for RBT, Students’ readiness towards English medium instruction (EMI), and Developing English literacy through English medium instruction. This research utilized a survey research design. Online questionnaires constructed for data collection. The target population were 100 public school students in Form One, Two and Three. Findings from the questionnaire exhibits, the participants are favourable on the English medium instruction for RBT curriculum and believe they can benefit from learning RBT in English medium. The outcomes of the study are expected to influence curriculum designers, policymakers, educators and learners on the effectiveness of language in successful RBT pedagogy. In terms of local context, past studies on EMI focused mainly on Science and Mathematics; the traditional STEM subjects. Therefore, this research has the opportunity to fill the gap by including the latest subject, RBT.