ABSTRACT. This research aims to investigate primary school students' reading attitudes with respect to different variables. Quantitative research method is used in this research. Participants involved 3rd and 4th grade students who attend primary schools in Çanakkale during 2015-2016 academic years. Simple random sampling is used in this research. Data is collected through Reading Attitude Scale adopted by Çakıroğlu ve Palancı (2015). In the data analysis, first, percentage and frequency distribution will be calculated. Then, the analysis carried out to understand whether the data meet the assumptions of normality. Findings of this research indicate that students feel a bit unhappy regarding the recreational reading attitudes and a bit happy regarding the academic reading attitudes. There is no significant difference in students' recreational and academic reading attitudes in favour of girls or boys. Besides, third graders recreational and academic reading attitudes are found more positive than fourth graders. Findings also showed that 11 year-old students have more positive attitudes of recreational reading while 9 year-old students have more positive attitudes of academic reading. Furthermore, there are no significant difference students' recreational and academic reading attitudes in terms of maternal education level. However, significant difference found in students' recreational reading attitudes in favour of fathers who graduated high school, while there is no significant difference in academic reading attitudes in favour of maternal education level. Keywords: Primary Students, Reading Attitudes, Academic Reading Attitude, Recreational Reading Attitude SUMMARY Purpose and Significance: Students' attitudes towards reading show their views on reading for enjoyment and appreciating books. Turkish curriculum aims to help students to enjoy reading and learning. Previous research pointed out that there is a direct correlation between the development of reading skills and students' attitudes towards reading. Students who have positive attitudes towards reading learn effectively. However, students' attitudes towards reading effect their academic achievement and cognitive levels of learning. In order to develop students' attitudes of reading and reading habit, we need consider their developmental features. The literature emphasize that primary school students do not hold positive attitudes towards reading. Factors such as family and environment influence students' attitudes. However, language and cognitive skills develop at a young age. Developing a negative attitude towards reading will cause the failure of reading and students' reading performance will decrease. Students who develop negative attitudes towards reading show