A fundamental problem in neuroscience is understanding how sequences of action potentials ("spikes") encode information about sensory signals and motor outputs. Although traditional theories assume that this information is conveyed by the total number of spikes fired within a specified time interval (spike rate), recent studies have shown that additional information is carried by the millisecond-scale timing patterns of action potentials (spike timing). However, it is unknown whether or how subtle differences in spike timing drive differences in perception or behavior, leaving it unclear whether the information in spike timing actually plays a role in brain function. By examining the activity of individual motor units (the muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron) and manipulating patterns of activation of these neurons, we provide both correlative and causal evidence that the nervous system uses millisecond-scale variations in the timing of spikes within multispike patterns to control a vertebrate behavior-namely, respiration in the Bengalese finch, a songbird. These findings suggest that a fundamental assumption of current theories of motor coding requires revision.motor systems | neurophysiology | computational neuroscience | information theory | songbird T he brain uses sequences of spikes to encode sensory and motor signals. In principle, neurons can encode this information via their firing rates, the precise timing of their spikes, or both (1, 2). Although many studies have shown that spike timing contains information beyond that in the rate in sensory codes (3-5), these studies could not verify whether precise timing affects perception or behavior. In motor systems, rate coding approaches dominate (6, 7), but we recently showed that precise spike timing in motor cortex can predict upcoming behavior better than spike rates (8), showing that spike timing carries information in motor as well as sensory cortex. However, as in sensory systems, it remains unknown whether spike timing in motor systems actually controls variations in behavior (9, 10). Resolving this question, therefore, requires examining the spike code used by the neurons that innervate the muscles, because discovering an apparent spike timing code in any brain area upstream of motor neurons is subject to the same ambiguity about whether spike timing patterns actually affect behavior.A spike timing-based theory of motor production predicts that millisecond-scale fluctuations in spike timing, holding other spike train features constant, will causally influence behavior. We tested this prediction by analyzing the activity of single motor units (that is, the muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron), focusing largely on the minimal patterns that have variable spike timing but fixed firing rate, burst onset, and burst duration: sequences of three spikes ("triplets"), where the third spike is a fixed latency after the first, but the timing of the middle spike varies. We examined timing codes in songbirds by focusing on respiration, ...