Stereognosis, the sense of the 3-dimensional shape of objects held in hand, requires the integration of somatosensory signals about local features -such as edges and surface curvature- with proprioceptive signals about the conformation of the fingers on the object. However, the mechanism of this integration remains unknown. Here, we investigated the spatial model that is used to integrate information about the global shape of the object with information about its local features at each point of contact. To this end, human observers judged the dissimilarity of pairs of objects that differed in their global shape, their local features, or both. We then compared the dissimilarity ratings when both global shape and local features changed to ratings when only global shape or only local features changed. We tested this with object sets of different levels of complexity, including spheres of different sizes and surface features to more varied shapes and features. For all object sets, we found that ratings when both global shape and local features changed was approximately an additive combination of the ratings when only global shape or only local features changed. For the majority of subjects, a city-block spatial model best explained their responses. Our results suggest that information about global shape is encoded independently from that about local features during interactions with objects. This implies that the neural representations of object shape and local features, though integrated, are separable.