The bacterial RecA protein is the prototype of a nearly ubiquitous class of recombinase proteins (1-11). These enzymes promote DNA strand exchange reactions that lie at the heart of all recombination and recombinational DNA repair processes (11-16). The recombinase forms a right-handed helical filament, usually on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA).2 A homologous duplex DNA is then aligned with this bound single strand, and one strand (the one complementary to the bound single strand) is transferred from the duplex substrate to form a new duplex within the filament. This process is used to reconstruct stalled replication forks, repair double strand breaks, facilitate meiotic cross-overs in eukaryotes, and facilitate genetic exchanges of many types in almost every organism. Typical reactions are illustrated in Fig. 1.The assembly and disassembly of RecA protein filaments on DNA has been studied in some detail, although understanding is not complete. Nucleation occurs most readily on ssDNA. There are discrete nucleation and extension phases in the assembly process, with extension proceeding primarily 5Ј to 3Ј relative to the ssDNA (17, 18). Disassembly also proceeds primarily 5Ј to 3Ј, with monomeric subunits being added on one end and subtracted from the other (19,20). Dissociation at the disassembly end is coupled to ATP hydrolysis (21,22).RecA-promoted reactions are important to cell viability. Escherichia coli strains lacking a functional recA gene are viable but highly sensitive to DNA-damaging agents (23-25). Recombinational DNA repair is thus important in bacteria, especially for the repair of stalled or collapsed replication forks (26 -30). However, recombination can also have deleterious consequences and must be regulated. Recombination between repeated sequences in the genome, for example, could result in the deletion of essential genes.In the past decade, multiple new RecA regulatory mechanisms have been elucidated. The expression of the recA gene is regulated as part of the SOS response (31-35). The native RecA protein is auto-regulated by the 17 amino acid residues at its own C terminus, because virtually every RecA activity is enhanced when those 17 amino acids are deleted (36 -41). Finally, RecA function is regulated by a growing array of regulatory proteins.There are at least eight proteins in a typical E. coli cell that modulate RecA protein function to some extent. Much of the regulation is focused on RecA filament assembly and disassembly. One modulator of RecA filament dynamics is SSB. SSB strongly inhibits the nucleation phase of RecA filament assembly (42) but stimulates the extension phase, removing secondary structure in ssDNA that would otherwise impede filament growth (43-46). Although ordinarily SSB protein prevents filament nucleation, single RecA monomers can easily be added to an existing filament and displace SSB from DNA at the rate of filament extension (47).Additional proteins affect other aspects of RecA protein filament function, often by interacting directly with RecA. The nucleation ...