High magnetization
materials are in great demand for the fabrication
of advanced multifunctional magnetic devices. Notwithstanding this
demand, the development of new materials with these attributes has
been relatively slow. In this work, we propose a new strategy to achieve
high magnetic moments above room temperature. Our material engineering
approach invoked the embedding of magnetic nanoclusters in an oxide
matrix. By precisely controlling pulsed laser deposition parameters,
Co nanoclusters are formed in a 5 at % Co–TiO2 film.
The presence of these nanoclusters was confirmed using transmission
electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray
absorption fine structure. The film exhibits a very high saturation
magnetization of 99 emu/cm3. Detailed studies using X-ray
magnetic circular dichroism confirm that Co has an enhanced magnetic
moment of 3.5 μB/atom, while the Ti and O also contribute
to the magnetic moments. First-principles calculations supported our
hypothesis that the metallic Co nanoclusters surrounded by a TiO2 matrix can exhibit both large spin and orbital moments. Moreover,
a quantum confinement effect results in a high Curie temperature for
the embedded Co nanoclusters. These findings reveal that 1–2
nm nanoclusters that are quantum confined can exhibit very large magnetic
moments above room temperature, representing a promising advance for
the design of new high magnetization materials.