The generation of recyclables in the Czech Republic has long been under the European average, but the proportion from municipal waste as a whole has been growing over the past few years. Previous research in the Czech Republic mainly focused on organizational or situational factors explaining recycling performance in municipalities. This study focuses on individual characteristics that are connected, among other things, to ongoing demographic changes. Currently ongoing sociodemographic development in the Czech Republic, as well as other developed countries, influence a broad range of aspects of social life, including waste generation and its structure. This paper aims at quantifying the relation between the sociodemographic characteristics of municipality inhabitants and recyclable generation. For this purpose, 13 variables describing inhabitants, households, and housing in 4897 Czech municipalities were selected that could influence the generation of recyclables according to foreign studies. Data were analyzed using multidimensional linear regression. Even though the resulting model only explains 9%, it is statistically significant and implies that sociodemographic variables can help explain recyclable generation. From this point of view, important variables are average household size, share of tertiary educated people, share of family houses, purchasing power per person, percentage of people employed in agriculture, and sex ratio. To increase the explained variability and emphasize local differences in recyclable generation, we also used geographically weighted regression (GWR). GWR results show that, to understand waste generation (at least in the Czech Republic) on a municipal level, it is necessary to also consider spatial effects and regional specifics.