This work represents the stage of the author's research aimed at identifying the solutions for increasing the energy efficiency of the production of precast concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures in plant conditions due to reducing the temperature of heat treatment, or due to the reduction of duration of this technological process. The work provides results of the research of the influence of the admixture of lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) on the dynamics of hydration process of the binding systems on a cement basis in the conditions of the increased temperature (40°C). The research was performed using the method of isothermal calorimetry on the two various samples of the cement binder, conducted in various countries. The Li2CO3 admixture is accepted in dosages from 0.5% to 2.5%. The graphical dependence of the heat flow of the exothermic reaction of hydration on the used lithium carbonate dosage in the first days of curing of the samples is established and presented.