A B S T R A CThere was a significant positive correlationi betweeni growth hormone content of the l)ituitary and gestational age, crown-rump length., and the weiglht of the l)ituitary gland.The content and concentration (nmicrogranis/niflligrani) of human growth hormone (HGEI) in the fetal pituitary showed significant incremenits (P < 0.001) for each 4 wk period of gestation until 35 wk. Furtlher increases in the HGH content were noted in l)ituitaries of children aged 1-9 yr (range of 832 to 11,211g).Immunoreactive GH was detected in fetal serumii at a concentration of 14.5 ng/ml as early as 70 (lays gestation, the youngest fetus assayed. The increment in content and concentration of pituitary GH bore a significant relationship to gestational age, crown-rump length, and to the weight of the pituitary gland (Table II and Figs. 2 and 3).The concentration and content of GH in the pituitaries of children less than 1 yr of age was comparable to the levels detected in fetal pituitaries at 32-40 wk of gestation with a mean content of 1202±252 Ag and a meani concentration of 10.1 + 1.4 Ag/mg (Fig. 1 ) (Fig. 4).Further evidence for the similarity of the GH in the pituitary gland of the fetus and adult was the comparable physicochemical properties observed after disc electrophoresis (Fig. 5). The position of the major band for the pituitary homogenates is similar, but the major band of the purified HGH was slightly more anodal. Similar observations were made after immunoelectrophoresis. The crest of the precipitin arc for the fetal pituitary homogenate when reacted with antiserum to HGH was located in slightly cathodal position and was similar to that observed for homogenates of pituitary glands of the children and adults (Fig. 6) (Fig. 7). The mean concentration at 10-14 wk was 65.2±9.6 ng/ml; at 15-19 wk mean concentration was 114.9±12.5 ng/ml; at 20-24 wk mean concentration was 119.3±19.8 ng/ml; at 25-29 wk the mean concentration was 72.0±6.5 ng/ml; and at 30-40 wk the mean 2Deamidation and other structural alterations of pituitary HGH during purification procedures affect its electrophoretic mobility (34). concentration was 26.5±11.5 ng/ml. The mean concentration in umbilical venous serum specimens obtained at delivery was 33.5±4.2 ng/ml.The concentration of serum HGH showed a significant negative correlation with gestational age (P < 0.001) (Table II).A significant difference was demonstrated in the mean concentration of serum HGH at 10-14 wk compared with all other gestational periods (P > 0.05) (Table I). No significant difference was demonstrated between the mean concentration at 15-19 wk, 20-24 wk, or 25-29 wk. The mean concentration of serum GH at 25-29 wk was significantly greater than at 30-40 wk (P < 0.02).In 17 fetuses from which matched serum and pituitary specimens were obtained, there was no significant correlation of the concentration of serum HGH to the pituitary content of HGH (P > 0.5) (Table II, Fig. 8).Serum HCS. HCS was detected in all 48 fetal sera tested in concentrations of 2-240 ng/ml. The lev...