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AbstractWe investigate the dependence of black hole accretion rate (BHAR) on host-galaxy star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass (M * ) in the CANDELS/GOODS-South field in the redshift range of < z 0.5 2.0. Our sample consists of »18,000 galaxies, allowing us to probe galaxies with . We use sample-mean BHAR to approximate long-term average BHAR. Our samplemean BHARs are derived from the Chandra Deep Field-South 7Ms observations, while the SFRs and M * have been estimated by the CANDELS team through spectral energy distribution fitting. The average BHAR is correlated positively with both SFR and M * , and the BHAR-SFR and BHAR-M * relations can both be described acceptably by linear models with a slope of unity. However, BHAR appears to be correlated more strongly with M * than SFR. This result indicates that M * is the primary host-galaxy property related to supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth, and the apparent BHAR-SFR relation is largely a secondary effect due to the star-forming main sequence. Among our sources, massive galaxies ( * ☉ M M 10 10) have significantly higher BHAR/SFR ratios than less massive galaxies, indicating that the former have higher SMBH fueling efficiency and/or higher SMBH occupation fraction than the latter. Our results can naturally explain the observed proportionality between M BH and M * for local giant ellipticals and suggest that their * M M BH is higher than that of local star-forming galaxies. Among local star-forming galaxies, massive systems might have higher * M M BH compared to dwarfs.