Modern people are constantly confronted with a rapidly increasing amount of information and non-standard situations that require decision-making under uncertain problemsetting conditions. This article identifies the role of the case method in the process of pedagogical training for creative problem-solving. The research of the case method in the process of pedagogical training has led to the study of theoretical and practical issues of developing the creative abilities of students. The authors also consider the substantive characteristics of the case method in theoretical and applied aspects of the learning process. The analysis of different approaches to understanding the essence of creative abilities allows concluding that, despite the differences, there is a common emphasis on creative imagination and creative thinking being the necessary characteristics of creative abilities. The development of creative abilities in the educational process through the use of the case method involves the formation of psychological and pedagogical conditions which allow engaging students in creative activity, to provide them with the opportunity to choose activities and modes of action, to individualize training and education, to apply technologies and techniques of developmental and advanced education, as well as to create a subject-developing environment and a comfortable psychological atmosphere to enhance learning efficiency. The use of the case method in the learning process allows students to develop creative imagination, intuition, will, critical thinking, and sense of purpose together with creative abilities. As a result, it allows a person engaged in the learning process to develop a creative personality.