We discuss the notion of matrix model, $\pi:C(X)\to M_K(C(T))$, for algebraic
submanifolds of the free complex sphere, $X\subset S^{N-1}_{\mathbb C,+}$. When
$K\in\mathbb N$ is fixed there is a universal such model, which factorizes as
$\pi:C(X)\to C(X^{(K)})\subset M_K(C(T))$. We have $X^{(1)}=X_{class}$ and,
under a mild assumption, inclusions $X^{(1)}\subset X^{(2)}\subset
X^{(3)}\subset\ldots\subset X$. Our main results concern
$X^{(2)},X^{(3)},X^{(4)},\ldots$, their relation with various half-classical
versions of $X$, and lead to the construction of families of higher
half-liberations of the complex spheres and of the unitary groups, all having
faithful matrix models.Comment: 25 pages. Final versio