In a comparative study, the patterns of histones and non‐histone proteins were analysed in the chromatin of foetal (18th day of gestation), 10‐day‐old, and adult BD IX‐rat brain, as well as in the chromatin of two ethylnitrosourea‐induced neuroectodermal tumours (TV1A1 and GV1A1) and the corresponding malignant cell culture lines TV1C1 and GV1C1. Separation of nuclear proteins at high resolution was obtained by electrophoresis in 15% and 10% polyacrylamide gels containing urea (2·5 m or 6·25 m). In spite of an overall similarity, significant quantitative and qualitative differences were observed between the respective non‐histone proteins banding patterns of normal brain and the neoplastic cells analysed. The non‐histone protein banding patterns of brain (∼40 different bands) at different stages of development revealed both quantitative differences and the presence of particular bands characteristic of foetal or adult brain, respectively. Both the‘foetal’and‘adult’non‐histone protein bands also appeared in the electrophoretograms of the neoplastic neuroectodermal cells.