Introduction: Nowadays, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is gaining more adherents in Poland. Awareness of CAM methods among medical professionals is unsatisfactory. The gap that has been created in the Polish health care system opens the field for abuse. Poor knowledge about the popularity of CAM therapies among oncological patients in Poland led us to the evaluation of their prevalence and features.
Aim of the research:To assess the prevalence of CAM procedures and their impact on conventional cancer treatment in Poland. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre, Poland. The final research group came to 355 respondents (209 women, 146 men, response rate 58%). Inclusion criteria comprised the following: diagnosed cancer, staged from early to advanced, and ongoing conventional treatment. Exclusion criteria were as follows: incomplete diagnostic path for cancer, age below 18 years, and complete remission of the disease. Results: CAM methods were used by 156 (43.9%) patients. The most popular were herbal drugs (50.6%), linseed (49.4%), and apricot seeds (32.7%). Approximately 40% of patients informed their doctor about CAM usage. More than 7% had resigned from standard treatment in the past. Almost 2% of respondents considered suspending therapy in the future. Factors associated with CAM use were as follows: female gender (51.2% vs. 33.56%; p < 0.05), secondary and higher education (47.1% secondary, 51.8% higher vs. 19.2% primary, 38.46% vocational; p < 0.05), education associated with health care (68.4% vs. 41.0%; p < 0.05). Conclusions: CAM techniques are popular among oncological patients in Poland and are often used on their own. No single factor affecting CAM use was established. Besides oncological treatment, patients should be informed about the effectiveness and the side-effects of CAM and the dangers associated with standard treatment refusal.
StreszczenieWprowadzenie: Metody tzw. medycyny komplementarnej i alternatywnej (CAM) zyskują w Polsce na popularności. Wiedza pracowników ochrony zdrowia na ich temat jest niezadowalająca. Powstała w ten sposób luka w polskim systemie opieki zdrowotnej stwarza pole do nadużyć. Niedostateczna wiedza na temat rozpowszechnienia terapii CAM wśród pacjentów onkologicznych w Polsce skłoniła nas do oceny ich popularności i cech charakterystycznych. Cel pracy: Ocena popularności technik CAM oraz ich wpływu na konwencjonalne leczenie onkologiczne w Polsce. Materiał i metody: Badanie przekrojowe przeprowadzono w Dolnośląskim Centrum Onkologii. Ostateczna grupa badana liczyła 355 osób (209 kobiet, 146 mężczyzn, odsetek odpowiedzi 58%). Kryteria włączenia obejmowały: rozpoznany nowotwór, stadium od wczesnego do zaawansowanego, trwające leczenie onkologiczne. Kryteriami wykluczenia były: niepełna ścieżka diagnostyczna nowotworu, wiek poniżej 18 lat, całkowita remisja choroby.