Personnel selection constitutes a very important phase of man-power planning of human resource development. Personnel selection methods are designed with the goal of enabling those responsible for selection to attract and evaluate candidate's capabilities on these attributes. S e l e c t i o n r e f e r s t o a p r o c e s s o f m a t c h i n g t h e demands/requirements of job with attributes, abilities and attitudes of candidates. Basic of selection is thus-individual difference selecting the most suitable ones from the available ones. This is done by using a number of scientic techniques. Large numbers of studies are available which show the widespread use of psychological tests in selection of personnel. A validation process is used to assess the extent to which the personnel selection methods provide valid predictors of job performance or other criterion variables. Various psychological tests are highly effective predictors of success. (Hough &Oswald 2000; Salgado& Cooper, 1999).Since earliest researches on personnel selection, assessment of cognitive ability has been one of the major techniques used to discriminate between candidates and to predict subsequent job performance. During the 1980s, several meta-analytic studies of criterion-related validity of c o g n i t i v e a b i l i t y t e s t s p r o d u c e d c o n c l u s i v e results (Schmidt&Hunter, 1998). The research literature on personnel selection methods generally focuses on one specic indicator of validity, the criterion-related validity coefcient. This is given prominence above all other indicators of validity. Clearly, in many ways this emphasis on the extent to which personnel selection procedures can adequately predict work criteria is appropriate. There is plenty of evidence that general cognitive ability is highly relevant in a wide range of jobs(Jensen, 1986) since most of the job requires a baseline of intelligence (Gottfredson, 1986; Ree,Earles,&Teachut, 1994) and also the measures of general cognitive ability represent the best predictors of performance. of the variance in multiple tests of specic ability (Deary, 2007) leaving some variance unaccounted for. ThePersonnel selection refers to a process of matching the demands/requirements of job with attributes, abilities and attitudes of candidates. The objective of the present study was to develop, validate and standardize a cognitive battery for personnel selection. On the basis of review of literature and brain storming session carried out with the experts, pool of items was developed. The cognitive battery assesses 'g' measures uid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, general memory ability, form perception, perceptual speed, cognitive speed and broad retrieval ability. The item content in various tests were developed based on the narrow strata (stratum 1) given by Carroll (1993)in his model. It is a paper pencil group battery comprising 7 tests to measure7 abilities. The items have been developed in coral draw designing. Statistical Analysis was performed using the (S...