Optical absorption and tle yield stress value of NaCI : Ni 2+ crystals were measured as functions of tle annealing temperature. Morphology and possible structure types of the ΝiCl2 particles formed under different annealing conditions have been shortly discussed.PACS numbers: 61.72.-y, 78.20.-e, 78.50.-w
Introductory informationIt was evidenced previously [1][2][3][4][5] that the absorption spectra of nickel-doped NaCl crystals are sensitive to both the concentration and the dispersion form of the dopant. In order to obtain more details about the aggregation-and/or precipitation-related phenomena Bridgman-grown NaCI : Νi 2 + crystals were solution-treated, i.e. air-quenched after 30 minutes of annealing at 873 K, and additionally annealed at temperatures ranging between room temperature (RT) and the solution treatment temperature (ST). For aim of comparison, as-received (AR) samples were also tested. The dopant concentration, equal to 160 ppm, was determined from the absorption coefficient of the main absorption band (αC) according to the method described elsewhere [6]; the ppm is expressed as the number of ΝiCl2 moles per 10 6 moles of NaCI. For these samples the yield stress value was critically compared with some data obtained from the optical absorption spectra. The stress/strain curves were taken at RT by using the 1112 INSTRON machine working at the strain rate of 3 x 10'4 s -I ; the y ield stress value (σο) was determined at 0.1% of plastic strain. Optical absorption spectra were measured in the spectral range from 50 x 10 3 to 11 x l0 3 cm -1 by employing the SPECORD M-40 (Zeiss) spectrophotometer.(363)