A 4H-type BaMnO 3 single crystal was prepared by combining the floating zone method with high-pressure treatment at 5 GPa and 1023 K. The crystal crystallizes to a hexagonal structure with space group P6 3 /mmc and lattice parameters a = 5.63723(5) Å and c = 9.22355(8) Å. In this structure, face-sharing MnO 6 octahedral dimers connect with each other by corner O atoms along the c-axis direction, forming an -A-B-A-C-type 4H arrangement. A long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transition is found to occur at T N ≈ 263 K. When the synthesis pressure increases to 20 GPa, a new polymorphic phase is obtained. This higher-pressure phase still possesses the hexagonal P6 3 /mmc symmetry, but the lattice parameters change to be a = 5.61349(2) Å and c = 13.66690(9) Å with a unit cell volume reduction of 2.05%. In this new phase, the c-axis MnO 6 dimers are separated by MnO 6 octahedral layers in the ab plane, forming an -A−B-C-A-C-B-type 6H structure. The 6H phase exhibits two long-range AFM orderings at T N1 ≈ 220 K and T N2 ≈ 25 K, respectively. The different magnetic properties are discussed on the basis of the detailed structural constitutions of 4H-and 6H-BaMnO 3 .