The COVID-19 pandemics were an event where there was a rupture of the life pattern and people felt helpless and suffering, creating a need for basic things such as medical care and shelter against the environmental conditions. The healthcare professionals faced an unknown potential threat to life that made them work in an intense and fearful routine facing fatigue and the fear to carry the disease to their families. In order to evaluate their Quality of life, we undertook a survey in the first months of the pandemics with logistical support of the Health ministry in Brazil reaching more than 200,000 varied health professionals, with quality of life data available to 97,379 . We segregated the professionals by their reported area in Medical doctor, psychologists, social worker, nurses, pharmaceutic/biochemistry, nutritionists, physiotherapist, and speech therapists. Here we describe the findings of the reported quality of life and the features more related to the worsening of the quality of life. The different professions report a diverse quality of life, suggesting a more heterogeneous pattern of impairment. The social relations domain of quality of life was the most affected in or sample Knowing the target population and the features related to worsening of quality of life might help to prepare the professionals for what they must face and to improve mental health in this population.